Monday 26 September 2011

(TITTLE) Umm.. I'm not sure yet.

Long time no update blog edy.
Cuz no time + no topic.
But why am I updating now?
Juz for fun and I'm so damn boring.
I'm juz so boring.
It's not that I have nothing to do.
I have lots and lots of things to do.
I juz don't want to.
I don't feel like doing.
It's almost time for exam too.
I noe I should do revision.
But when I take out my book,
I juz fall asleep immediately.
At that exact second.
Cuz I'm so damn LAZY.
Tat's me for sure.
I juz cant get rid of my bad habit.
But hey,
No one's perfect after all. (:
Btw, to all Avril Lavigne's fans,
Today's Avril Lavigne's birthday!!
Happy Birthday, Avril Lavigne!!
Your new song,
-Wish You Were Here,
Nice song.
Waiting for your next album.
Fast, fast, fast!!
Gambateh !!
Your songs are all so gud.
Keep it up!!
Rock it, babe. ♥
And people,

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