Monday 15 August 2011

Piano Exam.

I didn't went to school today.
Cuz I'm sitting a piano exam this afternoon.
I rather go to school you know.
Wake up and then watch bleach.
All people vs Aizen.
Chi gek larh!
Then watch watch watch.
Watch til about 10 something,
Practice practice practice.
Scales, pieces and all those.
Grade 5 si beh hard leh!
Grade 4 punya scales so little only.
Walao eh.
Grade 5 scales= Grade 4 scales x2
Practice, practice, practice.
This year is at Prince Hotel,
Grade 1 also there.
About 2pm I reach there lorh.
Go Pavillion with my mother.
Shop shop shop.
Bought a white watch lorh.
Go Tokyo Street.
All dolls, cups and all those japanese food larh.
Eat eat eat.
The ice cream so weird.
Chocolate + Banana.
The flavour so damn weird.
Dunno how to describe larh.
It's just weird.
Then walk to Prince Hotel.
Reach there about 3.30 liddat larh.
Cuz my teacher say need to be 30 minutes early marh.
Ok ok ok.
Wait at the waiting room lorh.
Wait about 15 minutes my turn edy.
Fortunately I went early.
It suppose to be 4.02pm
But dunno why 3.46 edy larh.
I went in at that time.
Wait outside the room lorh.
Wait wait wait.
Then the examiner say okay edy.
Then the guy bring me in the room.
Then all those things lorh.
Scales then pieces.
After sight reading, Aural lorh.
Blah blah blah.
Skip skip skip.
But the examiner is a woman!!
I'm dead.
Cuz my aunt say when she exam Grade 7,
The examiner is a woman and she failed.
She so pro also fail.
I ma sei ?!
I'm dead.
You're coming closely.
I can feel you.
I never failed.
How's the feeling of failing?
Can someone tell me?
Sei ma sei lorh.
Next year April I need to exam again if I failed.
Later fail again.
Dunno larh.
But I'm free!!
I don't need to care anymore!!
I can watch anime and play all I want!!
Freedom is the best!!!
Yea, babeh!!

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