Friday 29 July 2011

Happy Bithday, Kai Ni! Part II

This is the part 2 of the post before this.
You all wanna know why?
It's all bcuz of the birthday girl, Kai Ni.
She still not satisfied wor,
Say my post too pendek jor..
Zha dou...
So I ma write a part 2 lorh,
Juz like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II...
L0L. :D
So I'm writing this to the stingy Kai Ni
Hahax :P
Kai Ni, dun be angry arh.
Joking oni. x)
I'll change the part to beautiful, cool and oso smart,
You satisfied?
The same thing again,
Happy Birthday!!!
I remember I told you its ur birthday,
And you can't be sad or depressed.
But today,
You're still gloomy.
You don't understand english?!
I don't wanna scold you bcuz it's ur birthday,
So I'll skip all the scolding part.
And now, I'm gonna sing you a birthday song.
It's a stupid idea.
But still,
I'll sing it or you can say type it for you.
"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Kai Ni,
Happy Birthday to you. "
You heard or saw this?!
My singing good leh?
Then you say me fong pei.
Hahax :P
I may not be the 1st people to wish you,
But I think I'm the one who wish you the most.
From yesterday untill today.
At least 5 times, i think.
Watever larh.
I dunno wad to say
I'm wishing and waiting.
RM 7 is mine!!!
I'll win!!!
If not,
I'll go beat and tear him into hundred pieces!!!
Hahax x)
Jk oni larh.
Nah, your cake. :D

Make a wish yar,
And also don't forget to blow the candle too.
Happy Birthday, Kai Ni!!!

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