Saturday 23 April 2011

Volleyball Competition

Last week,
Our school is having a competition between rumah's,
I joined the volleyball competition with Jack Yien,
I'm not good in sports...=(
But the teacher is forcing me to participate....
She told every member in the rumah merah's volleyball team,
If they don't come,
The teacher will dimerit them,
Of course including me...
But I don't wanna come!! =((((
So last tuesday,
Me and Jack Yien end up sitting in the dewan watching them play,
It's Rumah Merah vs Rumah Kuning,
I'm so happy that we don't need to play!!
But after awhile,
The teacher wants to change the players,
It was the worst nightmare ever!!
We still lost....=.='''
And it's thursday,
The second match...
Rumah Merah vs Rumah Hijau,
The stupid Ketua Pasukan choose me to play!!
I was damn shock!!
But I don't wanna!!
I wanna just sit there and watch them play,
So I argue with her,
But she's so stubborn and she don't want to give up on letting me play,
I was so mad,
That I can punch her face!!
But of course I didn't did that...
So I just stand there and play with them,
And of course we lost also...
I told her not to choose me,
And she don't want to listen,
So it ends up like this...
But thank god that this tuesday is the last match,
It's Rumah Merah vs Rumah Biru,
It's quite hard and tough,
But I still wish we can win!!
Gambateh!! Rumah Merah!!

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